Wedding date engraved on alliances with a inside of ring engraving machine

How to choose the best jewelry engraving machine? [Ultimate guide]

Discover the different selection criteria to take into account when choosing the most suitable jewelry engraving machine for your needs.

For jewelers, jewelry designers or retailers, the choice is not always easy when faced with the multiplicity of solutions for engraving jewelry. Our expertise at Gravotech has enabled us to bring together all the elements to take into account when choosing the best jewelry engraving machine for your application.

Whether you want to develop your ideas, internalize the customization, reduce your production time or upgrade your equipment, we have the solution!

For jewelry engraving, Gravotech (formerly Gravograph) has 4 dedicated solutions, such as the M10 Jewel and M20 Jewel our mechanical and rotary engraving machines, the WeLase™ and LW2 our jewelry laser engraving machines.

This ultimate guide reviews the different criteria to consider in order to help you find the best jewelry engraving machine based on: degree of expertise, budget, types of jewelry, types of engraving, work environment, mechanical and laser technology and also software.

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What is your level of expertise?

The first consideration in choosing the type of jewelry engraving machine adapted to your need is your current level of knowledge about engraving processes and engraving machines.

  • Have you recently taken an interest in engraving or are you going through a subcontractor?
    To save time and be self-sufficient in jewelry engraving, look for an easy-to-use jewelry engraving machine like the M10 Jewel or a versatile machine like the M20 Jewel.
  • Do you engrave your jewelry manually and want to modernize your equipment?
    You have the choice between two solutions, the M10 Jewel and M20 Jewel mechanical engraving machines which are quick to learn, or the WeLase™ jewelry laser engraving machine with faster marking speed.
  • Do you already own a rotary engraving machine or are you looking to improve your productivity?
    Jewelry laser engraver remain the ideal solution for speed, mass production and to has a greater return on investment. We therefore recommend the WeLase™ or the LW2.
  M10 Jewel, bracelet and outside & inside of ring engraving machine M20 Jewel, jewelry engraving machine WeLase™, jewelry laser engraving machine LW2, jewelry laser engraver
  M10 Jewel M20 Jewel WeLase™ LW2
Technology Rotary Rotary Laser Laser
Learning time ⏱⏱ ⏱⏱ ⏱⏱⏱
Need for a computer
Windows® tablet compatibility

What budget for a jewelry engraver?

There are many types of jewelry engraving machines for an infinite number of possibilities and budgets. The estimated return on investment (ROI) is part of the criteria to choose the best jewelry engraving machine for your needs.

Other criteria to take into account are the budget, the current or future volume of production, the cost of consumables and the cost of use.

If you have a limited budget, you may prefer a mechanical machine. They are affordable jewelry engraving machines and they become profitable more quickly than a laser engraving machine.

However, if you have a high volume of engraving to produce, a laser engraver will allow you to have more efficient productivity.

So, how much does a jewelry engraving machine cost ? Here is an overview which will help you understand the different costs to take into account.

  M10 Jewel, bracelet and outside & inside of ring engraving machine M20 Jewel, jewelry engraving machine WeLase™, jewelry laser engraving machine LW2, jewelry laser engraver
  M10 Jewel M20 Jewel WeLase™ LW2
Technology Rotary Rotary Laser Laser
Initial budget $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$

Cost of use
(Electricity, maintenance and parts)

Low Low Medium Medium
Cost of consumables* $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
Volume to be produced for a quick ROI** Low Medium High High

*Consumables include cutters, diamonds, lubricating gel, paints (color etching) and thinners.
**ROI between 1 and 6 months is calculated on the basis of an engraving between 10 to 40 objects per day for $5 to $10 each (depending on the machine).


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What is your engraving application?

Ring engraving with the M20 jewelry engraving machine

Types of jewelry

You can find different type of jewelry engraving machines depending on the shape and type of jewelry to be personalized. If you have a large catalog of jewelry to engrave, your future machine will have to be compatible with the different shapes and sizes of your pieces.

• You want to engrave only cylindrical jewelry such as rings, wedding rings or round bracelets?

The mechanical engraving machine M10 Jewel is dedicated only to bracelets and rings engraving. The M10 Jewel is an outside and inside of ring engraving machine thanks to its integrated rotating device.

• You want to engrave pendants, flat bracelets and as well as rings?

The rotary engraving machine M20 Jewel and the laser engraving machine WeLase™ are versatile machines. They engrave both cylindrical jewelry such as rings (inside and out), wedding bands or flat bracelets, and curved jewelry such as curb chains or bands.

• You also want to engrave larger objects (metal cups, watch cases…)?

Jewelry laser engraver like the WeLase™ and the LW2, or the rotary engraving machine M20 Jewel will be able to engrave larger objects.

The comparative table below shows the main types of engraving that can be done on the different types of jewelry according to our machines.

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Ultimate guide eBook - How to choose the best jewelry engraving machine?


Want to learn more about how to choose the best jewelry engraving machine?

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  • Material engraved & marking aesthetics,
  • Work environment
  • Marking technologies: mechanical & laser
  • And more!

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